How to get a free office program? Microsoft and alternatives

How to get a free office program? Microsoft offers free Office, but there is lot of good alternatives too. Here’s  some links where to get it. We do not cover trials as thy only a temporary solution.

Mobile office versions online

There is a few way getting free office suite online. All you have to do is open it on your favorite internet browser. They lack some functionality, but are good for basic usage. Using those you must register your account. There are 2 major mobile office pages:

  • Let’s start with free Microsoft Office Online. Here is the link: Office Online.
  • Also free alternative to Microsoft is Google Docs, which also provides mobile office. Here is the link: Google Docs.

Microsoft Office 2010 starter

If you need only basic programs like: Word and Excel. It is ad-funded so you may see some advertisements during your work, but at least it is free.

Latest Microsoft operating system Windows 10, doesn’t not support Office 2010 Starter, but with this patch and setup it still works. Just first install setup for your operating system, then install patch and restart. After that it should be working. Don’t forget launching setups with administrator permissions. Tested with 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

Office 2010 starter for Winows 10 –  Download

Office 2010 starter for Winows 8, 8.1 –  Download

Office 2010 update (required) –  Download

For older Windows versions like Vista and 7 you can use regular setup file.

Office 2010 starter for Winows Vista, 7 –  Download

Sadly there is no more support for Windows Xp.

Another free alternatives

There are also some other free alternatives. We choose 3 most popular, all of them support Microsoft formats (not 100% compatibility).

  • Apache OpenOffice one of the biggest competitor to MS Office, started in 2010. Here is the link: OpenOffice.
  • Another great software is Kingsoft Office Suite. It may lack some applications, but it still one of the favorite office alternative. Here is the link: Kingsoft Office.
  • And last – FreeOffice is the only free office suite that displays documents as you want them displayed. Here is the link: FreeOffice.


Having troubles with Office 2010 starter? Read more: Office 2010 FIX: install and uninstall errors.

Enjoy your free office suite. If you have any troubles installing software leave a comment. We are always here to help.

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