Fix write protected USB stick easily with these little tools.
It happens, your USB stick freezes and no longer allows you to format it. Windows explorer shows you errors like this: “The disk is write protected. Remove the write protection or use another disk”. Before throwing your USB stick you could try to recover it, but keep in mind that you will lose your data during this procedures. These freeware, portable tool helps you in this situation.
Patriot Restore 3.1.5 – Download
This is the one of the most successful tool we have used. It is created for Silicon USB sticks, but it works for different brands too. Try both format and restore options.
PNY Low Level Format Tool 2.0 – Download
USB Flash Driver Fix Tool for PNY and HP brands, could also work with other brands too. More this tool versions can be found here (select file type “USB Flash Driver Format Tool”)
HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool 2.2.3 – Download
Another tool for HP and other brands. Worth to try.
Formater – Download
Rare USB format tool that works on some USB flash drives with specific controller chips that no other tool will work on.
USB Disk Storage Format – Download
Generic USB Format tool. You should try this if previous tools didn’t solve your problem.
Kingston Format Utility – Download
This utility is for specific Kingston USB models (DTHX30/XXGB).
Found another way to fix write protected USB stick? Leave a comment below.
nothing helped me still saying write protected tried ur softwares
Same here. Thanks for the writer of this article. I don’t know my usb brand. Method 2 worked for me.
Patriot Restore 3.1.5
I had tried so many softwares and alot of methods to remove write protection but nothing solved it.But finally i got my solution here.thanks alot.
Which of the above software worked for you?
which software are you select?name please
mission complete..thanks
Which of the above worked for you?
None of these work!
Hey thankyou sir for posting/sharing this.. it’s a great help, now i can use my hp flash drive
None of the work for me. I have scandisk pen drive. some software does not detect my USB pen drive and some say the same message ‘drive is write protected’
thank you very much, after a long search for the solution, finally BOOOOOOOOOOM it worked the second option
mission not complete
Someone could make a download that works and stop issing everybody off .
User Friendly? I know crocodiles who are more user friendly
None of your programs are working with my brand new 64 GB Patriot Quick Drive
It could be a hardware problem, try bringing it back for warranty.
Patriot Restore 3.1.5 worked for me
thank you so much
waste of time
tnx a loooooooot…that was great help
patriot restore 3.1.5 worked for me.. thanks for your help
thanks for ufixii….this fixwd my usb drive …..
Dear Friend,
Glad to see you in the internet , good time, i have a KINGSTONE 8GB usb , which was disconnected carelessly from computer ( win xp ) , then it came ” WRITE PROTECTED ” and by no means corrected ! ( registry, diskpart, low level format chkdsk, safe mode, etc….. ) , If it is possible for you please provide with your site here that small recovery software from manufacturer for the KINGSTONE brand of 8 GB or lower sizes, by which the usb internal firmware or controller chipset could be modified to its original stae . I shall appreciate in advance for your time and attempt that you spend.
Sincerely Yours,
We updated the article with the Kingston format utility, hopefully it will help you.
Dear Friend,
In sincere appreciation to your quick response, unfortunately the kingstone format utility couldn’t help ! I am sorry i think it is just wasting the time, unles the manufacturer i.e. kingstone might provide with his specific small software for 2 functions with a corrupted usb : 1-to restore the usb to factory made partitioning and 2- to format the usb which was not possible formatted by windows or android , etc. Anyhow, thank you very much for your kind attention.
By the way, you may kindly add another type of those softwares you introduced for different brands in this article, available in the url address as below : which is for the ” EMTEC ” German usb flash disks and came from manufacturer to me, now presented to your excellency.
Best Regards,
21 Jan. 2020
PNY Low Level Format Tool 2.0 for flashdisk writeproted
thanx alot
Patriot worked when Nothing else would on my Corsair Voyager 32GB!
Thanks for the Post, Advice and tools!
It aways shows usb device not found