Fix write protected USB stick

Fix write protected USB stick easily with these little tools.

It happens, your USB stick freezes and no longer allows you to format it. Windows explorer shows you errors like this: “The disk is write protected. Remove the write protection or use another disk”. Before throwing your USB stick you could try to recover it, but keep in mind that you will lose your data during this procedures. These freeware, portable tool helps you in this situation.


Patriot Restore 3.1.5 –  Download

This is the one of the most successful tool we have used. It is created for Silicon USB sticks, but it works for different brands too. Try both format and restore options.

PNY Low Level Format Tool 2.0 –  Download

USB Flash Driver Fix Tool for PNY and HP brands, could also work with other brands too. More this tool versions can be found here (select file type “USB Flash Driver Format Tool”)

HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool 2.2.3 –  Download

Another tool for HP and other brands. Worth to try.

Formater –  Download

Rare USB format tool that works on some USB flash drives with specific controller chips that no other tool will work on.

USB Disk Storage Format –  Download

Generic USB Format tool. You should try this if previous tools didn’t solve your problem.

Kingston Format Utility –  Download

This utility is for specific Kingston USB models (DTHX30/XXGB).


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