Swap broken speaker jack with microphone

How to swap broken speaker jack with microphone? There is possibility just to swap it by software. Please note: not all sound cards allow you to do this.

Using special software

Manufacturers like Realtek allows you to choose how each jack purpose. So for example if you have broken speaker jack you can easily swap it with microphone jack. It is convenient way to easy fix for front audio jacks in pc case. All you have to do is download your sound card drivers and set jack purpose, because stock Windows drivers does not allow you to do it. After driver installation just plug in your headphones to your microphone jack and on pop up dialog select that you just plugged a headphones and not a microphone.

Fixing or swapping hardware

Not all sound cards allow you to swap it with software managers. In that case you must open your case and look for a solution. If you have broken front jack all you have to do is swap it’s wires to the motherboard, remember to reference your motherboard manual and look what connectors are for. You must cut your plastic head leading to motherboard end to single connectors and swap speaker connectors with microphone.

Warning: make sure you connect your wires correctly, there is possibility you may end in shorted out motherboard or sound card.

Another solution is to install external sound card or replace broken jack by re-flowing it with a new one.


Here are some basic solutions for fixing broken speaker jack. We can’t provide with actual example, because every sound card and motherboard are different, solutions which work for one will not work for another.

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